

私はその会の完全な支持者ではないけれども、あなた様に聖ピオ十世会のことについて書こうとしています。私は今迄、この問題に関する多くの賛否両論を聞いてきました。しかし私には、SSPX(あるいはFSSPX) が教義自体において、あるいはカトリック信仰のエッセンスにおいて、間違いを犯しているとはどうしても思うことができません。私はこれについて何度も何度も考えてきました。しかし、いつも同じ結論に達しました。
1984年におけるジャーナリストのヴィットリオ・メッソーリ氏とのインタビューの中で、あなた様はこう言われました、「それにしても、その忠誠、忠実はなぜピオ十二世教皇へのそれまでに限定され、それ以降の教皇たちに対しては拒まれるのか? 聖座への従順は年度に応じて、あるいはすでに定まっている自分の確信する教えに合致するか否かに応じて分けられるものなのか?」。しかしながら、教皇様、私はあなた様を単純な想像に招きたいと思います。どうかどうか想像して下さい、彼らがピオ5世教皇様の時代にいたと、ピオ9世教皇様の時代にいたと、あるいは聖ピオ10世教皇様の時代にいたと。彼らは憎まれるでしょうか? 彼らはカトリック教会によって排斥されるでしょうか? 私は全くそう思いません! 彼らは間違いなくそれぞれの教皇様達によって「愛される」ことでしょう。そして私は、或る同じ人が、教会の中で或る時代には愛され、別の時代には排斥される、などということがあり得るとはとても信ずることができません。それはとてもとても奇妙なことです!
どうか、彼(あるいは彼ら)が少なくとも破門には値しないことを宣言なさって下さい。そしてどうか彼らに、教会の中の何らかの場所を正式にお与えになって下さい。そしてどうか彼らに「全ての」論争を避ける態度はご要求にならないで下さい。そして彼らに新ミサを押し付けないで下さい。どうか彼らを、少しばかり頑固な人達として、あるいは協調性のない問題児として(私自身は彼らのことを必ずしもそうは思いませんが) 受入れて下さい。とにかく彼らは少なくとも「破門」には全く値しません。私はそう信じます。どうか、私達の教会の中で、そのように正義を実行なさって下さい。そうでなければ、私は教会を十分に信頼することができません。
I humbly ask your holiness, your blessings.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Holy Father!
I am a Catholic lay faithful, living in a little country of Asia, Japan. At first I would like to apologize to you for my not being able to write English very well because I have not been educated very much. I do not know a lot about the nuance of English expression. So please forgive me even if I was rude in writing English to you. It is not my true intention.
I sincerely appreciate all your consideration for churches of all the world, and especially the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum.
I am writing to you regarding The Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, though I am not a complete supporter of that society. I have heard many pros and cons about this matter up to now. But I can never think SSPX(or FSSPX)to have a mistake in doctrine itself or in essence of Catholic faith. I have thought about that many many times, but I have always reached the same conclusion.
When you granted an interview to a journalist, Mr. Vittorio Messori, in 1984, you told : "But why only the popes up to Pius XII and not beyond? Is perhaps obedience to the Holy See divisible according to years or according to the nearness of a teaching to one's own already-established convictions?." But, our Holy Father, I would like to invite you to simple imagination. Please please IMAGINE that they were in the times of Pope Pius V or Pope Pius IX or Pope Pius X. Would they be hated? Would they be expelled by Catholic Church? I do not think so at all! They would be certainly LOVED by Popes of each times. And I can hardly believe that it is possible that the same person would be loved in a certain times and would be expelled in another times, in Church. It is very very strange!
Please do not laugh at my simple argument. I do not understand difficult study well. But please note that human eyes with a simple nature can sometimes reach the essence of things directly.
Holy Father, I think that you should at least withdraw the excommunication declared against Archbishop Lefebvre and a few other people concerned. Because, I say simply once again, they would be undoubtedly loved by Popes before the Second Vatican Council on just the way they are. Legally or politically, this may be very difficult. But I think that you should find a narrow path for them and you can do that. I say this for the justice of our Church rather than for the profit of one society. If you do not do this, I say to you humbly, our Church will NEVER have true justice in its hand.
Please declare that he(or they)at least did not deserve the excommunication. And please give them some place formally in Church. And please do not demand the attitude of avoiding ALL polemics from them. And please do not force the New Mass on them. Please accept them as a considerably stubborn people or problem children without sense of cooperation(while I myself do not always think so of them). Anyway they at least did not deserve the EXCOMMUNICATION at all, I believe. Please perform justice in such a form in our Church. Otherwise I cannot trust Church enough.
I humbly ask your holiness, your blessings.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
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