
脱同性愛者たちの証言 メリッサ・フライリーア(3)

With God nothing is impossible.


拙訳、試訳。強調と〔 〕は私による付加。

The American Policy Roundtable


Melissa Fryrear


Information gathered by the American Policy Roundtable



Source - Exodus International

メリッサ・フライリーアは「Focus on the Family」の立法及び文化問題担当部のジェンダー問題アナリストとして働いている。ジェンダー問題に関する20年以上にわたる経験を持つ彼女は、同性愛に関連する広汎な問題について、講演に、執筆に、そして教会と社会に教えることに取り組んでいる。同性愛に関するメリッサの洞察は、彼女自身が10年間、同性愛者として生きて来た経験から来ている。ここ12年間、メリッサは、国内外の聴衆数千人と、彼女の克服の証しを共有する機会を得て来た。彼女の物語は、ジェームス・ドブソン博士の最新の著書「Marriage Under Fire」など、数多くの記事や書籍にも取り上げられている。メディアにしばしば登場するゲストとして彼女は、数多くのラジオ番組やテレビ番組に出演している。メリッサはまた「Focus on the Family」の「Love Won Out」の会議に於ける主要な話者である。彼女は同性愛の問題に関して聖書の真理を宣言し、思いやりと同情管理人注1を完全なものにすることに取り組んでいる。彼女はまた、彼女の救い主であり主であるイエス・キリストの “人を変容させる愛と力” について証しすることに情熱を傾けている。

Melissa Fryrear serves as the Gender Issues Analyst within the Legislative and Cultural Affairs Department for Focus on the Family. With over two decades of experience with gender issues, she is actively involved in public speaking, writing and educating the Church and society on a wide range of subjects related to homosexuality. The insight Melissa offers concerning homosexuality comes from her own experience, having lived homosexually for a decade. Over the last twelve years, Melissa has had the opportunity to share her overcoming testimony with thousands, including national and international audiences. Her story has also been featured in numerous articles and books, including Dr. James Dobson’s most recent book, Marriage Under Fire. A frequent media guest, she has appeared on dozens of radio and television programs. Melissa is also a keynote speaker at Focus on the Family’s Love Won Out conference. She is committed to proclaiming biblical truth with regard to the issue of homosexuality, complemented with grace and compassion. She is also passionate about testifying to the transforming love and power of her Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ...(more)


Melissa's Story

Source - Exodus International

私は私の両親が1966年に養子として迎えた二番目の、そして最後の子供です。ルイビルケンタッキー州〕の東端にある中産階級の上位の人たちが暮らす地域で教会に通いながら育ちました。トリニティ・プレスビテリアン・チャーチは私たちの家から2マイル〔約3.2km〕足らずのところにありました。私は赤ちゃんの時にその教会で献げられ〔洗礼を受け〕、夏のバケーション・バイブル・スクールに参加し、子供の合唱団ではハンドベルを演奏し、そして12歳の時に初めて聖餐に与りました(first communion)。私は、それまでの人生の全期間を通して教会に通っていましたが、まだイエス・キリストを私の個人的な主、また救い主として、受け入れていませんでした。教会は私にとってただ「とにかくそうするのが正しいから」という感じのものでした。振り返れば、私はイエス様についてのお話は沢山聞いた覚えがありますが、救いに関するメッセージとなると、思い出すことができません。私は、自分が救い主を必要とする罪人であることを知りませんでした。

I am the second and last child my parents adopted, in 1966. I grew up in an upper middle-class subdivision in the east end of Louisville attending church. Trinity Presbyterian was less than two miles from our house. I was dedicated there as a baby, went to Vacation Bible School in the summers, played the hand bells in the children’s choir, and took my first communion when I was twelve. Although I had attended church all of my life, I had not yet accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Church seemed like something we did because “it was the right thing to do.” Looking back, I remember hearing dozens of stories about Jesus, but I never recall hearing a message about salvation. I did not know I was a sinner in need of a Savior.

13歳の時、或る日曜の朝、礼拝式が始まるのを待ちながら、両親と一緒に礼拝堂の中に座っていた時のことを覚えています。私は聖書を手に取り、ページをランダムに読み始めました。ふと、レビ記のところで手が止まり、その第18章の或る聖句に目が行きました。「あなたは女と寝るように男と寝てはならない。これは憎むべきことである」レビ記 18:22〕〔プロテスタント訳。その聖句を読んだ時、私は凍りつき、私の周りの全てのものが止まりました。私はその聖句をもう一度初めから読んでみました。周りに視線を移すでもなく、誰かに話しかけるでもなく、私はその聖書を閉じ、目の前の座席に戻し、そして、神に「ノー」と言いました。私がその聖句を呼んだ時、セミコロンの後の言葉は「メリッサは憎むべき者である」と言っているように響きました。

When I was thirteen, I remember sitting in the sanctuary with my parents one Sunday morning waiting for the service to begin. I picked up a Bible and began to flip through the pages at random. I stopped in the book of Leviticus and my eyes fell upon a scripture in the eighteenth chapter: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.” After I read that verse, I froze and everything around me stopped. My eyes darted to the beginning of the verse and I read it again. Without looking around, without saying a word to anyone, I closed that Bible, returned it to the pew in front of me, and said “No” to God. When I read that verse, the words after the semicolon read “Melissa is detestable.”


I had known for a number of years that something seemed “different” about me. Many gays and lesbians believe they were born homosexual. This is what I believed because I had always felt that way. As early as age seven, I was aware of being drawn to other girls. This was a seed that began to take root in the soul of my heart. As my adolescent years continued to unfold, it only became increasingly obvious to me that I was not like the other girls. My mind was filled with an endless barrage of tormenting questions: “What is wrong with me?” “Why don’t I act like the other girls act?” “Why don’t I seem to like boys?” “Why do I hate being a girl?” In an attempt to answer those screaming questions, I opened a dictionary one day and read the definitions to words like homosexual, lesbian, and gay. And the seed sprouted.


I was sixteen when I first became involved in a lesbian relationship. That marked the beginning of the next 10 years of my life. Unable, unaware, and unwilling to resist the draw and temptation any longer, I embraced my lesbian identity. When I left home at the age of eighteen to attend college at the University of Kentucky, I immersed myself in the gay community. Everything in my world revolved around being gay. My only goals in life were to have a good time, to make a great deal of money, and without overusing a cliché, to find “the girl of my dreams.” And the seed flourished.


The years continued to unfold. I was on my way to achieving my goals: I was having some really good times; I was making $40,000 by my mid-twenties; I was involved with a woman. However, something was stirring within me.


In 1988 I began working for an in-house advertising agency in Lexington. One of my co-workers, Bill Martinez, was a Christian. He was always kind, respectful, and caring.


One Saturday night, unexpectedly, I asked my partner if she wanted to go to church the next morning. We were so emotionally enmeshed with one another that I think if I had suggested jumping off a bridge, she would have agreed. We looked in the phone book and found Versailles Presbyterian Church. It was a small congregation of predominantly older couples, so when my partner and I showed up, it was obvious.

私はすぐにその教会と関わるようになりました。水曜夜のポトラックや日曜の成人向けの勉強会などに行きました。大人のハンドベル合唱団にさえ加わりました。彼らの70代カップルの中の一組、ドリスと LJ は、私たちを彼らの翼の下に連れて行きました。

I became involved in the church immediately: I went to Wednesday night potlucks and an adult Sunday school class; I even joined the adult handbell choir. A couple in their seventies, Doris and L.J., took us under their wings.


L.J., Doris and Bill knew the life I was living. They were discerning people, and, of course, I looked the part. They met me where I was, accepted me with grace, loved me unconditionally and prayed for me fervently. It was through relationship with them that I was led to make the most important decision of my life. One day in February of ’91, I said quietly in my heart, “Jesus, I need You. I receive You. Please, please, please come and be the Savior of my soul and the Lord of my life.” And He did. And a new seed was planted!

私のパートナーが、私に、私にとって最初の自分所有のものとなる聖書をくれた時、私は聖書の中に同性愛に関する多くの聖句があることに気づきました。レビ記 20:13申命記 23:18ローマ 1:271コリント 6:9。これが格闘の始まりでした。

When my partner gave me my first Bible I discovered there were a number of scriptures that addressed homosexuality: Leviticus 20:13, Deuteronomy 23:18, Romans 1:27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9. This is when the wrestling ensued.

何ヶ月もの間、何度も、何度も、私は主の周りを回りました。私には理解できませんでした。私は彼と議論し、彼に懇願し、彼を無視し、彼を傷つけ、彼から逃げました。或る夜、私は拳を握り、涙を流しながら、彼に叫びました。「それが間違っているものなら、それが忌まわしいものなら、どうしてあなたは、私にその道を行かせたのですか? なぜ、あなたは止めて下さらなかったのですか? なぜ?」沈黙〔応答なし〕。

For months I went around and around with the Lord. I didn’t understand. I argued with Him, begged Him, ignored Him, hurt Him and fled from Him. One night with clinched fists and tears streaming down my face, I yelled at Him, “If it is so wrong, if it is an abomination, why did You let me go down that road? Why didn’t You stop me? Why?” Silence.

聖書は、神の言葉は「生きていて、力がある」と言っています〔ヘブライ人への手紙 4:12〕。それは「どんな両刃の剣よりも鋭く、魂と霊との、また、関節と骨髄との分かれ目まで刺し通し、心の思いや考えを見分けることができる」と〔同〕。またイザヤ書55章11節には「神の口から出た言葉は、空しく神のもとに帰って行くことはない。それは神が望んでいることを実現し、その目的を果たす」とあります。それからの何か月もの間、聖霊は、私が完全に「私のしていることは間違っている」と知る地点に到達するまで、私の心に神の真理を働かせ続けて下さいました。私の混乱にもかかわらず、私の怒りにもかかわらず、私の反抗にもかかわらず、神は私に恵みを雨と降らせ、悔い改めに導いて下さいました。1992年10月、私は自分の何年にもわたる性的な罪を悔い改めました。そして、新しい種子が芽生えました。

The Bible says the Word of God is “living and active.” That it’s “sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Isaiah 55:11 also says that God’s word will not return empty, but it will accomplish what God desires and achieve the purposes for which He sends it. Over the next months, the Holy Spirit continued to work God’s truth in my heart until I ultimately came to the point where I knew that I knew what I was doing was wrong. Even in my confusion, even in my anger, even in my rebellion, God showered me with His kindness, which led to repentance. In October ’92, by His grace, I repented of my years of sexual sin. And the new seed sprouted.


I heard about Exodus as I was getting ready for church one morning on “The Coral Ridge Hour,” produced by Dr. James Kennedy’s ministry. I had never heard of Exodus before. I listened as men and women shared their testimonies of change. I watched in utter amazement. I had no idea there was anyone else who had made the decision to walk away from homosexuality, much less to say that they had changed.


I called Exodus first thing Monday morning and received a packet from them by the end of the week. I ripped into that packet as if it were Christmas morning. Enclosed was a state-by-state alphabetical listing of referral ministries. I scanned the list as quickly as I could, and in bold letters I read: “CrossOver Ministries, Lexington, Kentucky.” I broke down and wept. As excited as I was to receive that material, though, I was more afraid. For three months that information sat in the top drawer of the desk in my home office. Eventually, because of God’s wooing grace, I called CrossOver. The next week, I met with the ministry’s director.


As a participant of CrossOver, I immediately involved myself in the support groups, one-on-one counseling, reading literature and resources and attending conferences. I began to learn the various factors that contributed to my same-gender attractions: my perceived rejection of my biological mother and father, my perception that my adoptive mother was distant and stoic and that my adoptive father was emotionally absent, sexual molestation, sexual experimentation, with both sexes, during my preteen years, understanding the schemes of the devil, and dozens and dozens of lies I believed about everything. I began to take responsibility for my own sinful beliefs, choices, and behaviors. Most importantly, though, I began to learn about the Holy Trinity and to form a relationship with each Person.

何年にもわたる回復の途上で、私は女らしさと呼ばれているものについても学び始めました。驚き! こんなに学ぶことがあったとは。眉の脱毛、ヘアブリーチ、ヘアワックス、泥パック、アイラッシュカーラー、マニキュア、ペディキュア、プッシュアップブラ、タミータッカー〔痩身下着〕、ヒップアップショーツ、去年の色、来年のファッション. . .

During my years of restoration, I also began to learn about this thing called womanhood. Goodness! Who knew there was so much to learn: plucking eyebrows, hair bleaches, hair waxings, facial mud masks, eye lash curlers, manicures, pedicures, push-up bras, tummy tuckers, rear-end boosters, last year’s colors, and next year’s fashions?


I also began to learn about boys. Let me say that if anyone thinks puberty is tough at fifteen, try it in your thirties!


And the seed flowered.

[管理人注1] 「compassion」を「同情」と訳した。別に悪いことはないだろう。しかし現代は、何事につけ「プライド」の時代である。「同情」などと言われると、直ぐに「見下げられた」ように感じるのである。「屈辱」を感じるのである。「私はそんな惨めな人間だというのか」と突っ張るのである。しかし、もし私たちが「人間というものは、神から見れば、確かに『憐れまれ』なければならない存在だ」と知っているなら、人から少しばかり「憐れまれ」ても、そんなには傷つかない筈だ。

[管理人注2]  彼女の両親(養父母)について述懐は、前回と今回とで、かなり違う。人はこれを「矛盾」と見るべきだろうか? 私は必ずしもそうは思わないのだが。


17 イスラエルの女子は神殿娼婦となってはならない。またイスラエルの男子は神殿男娼となってはならない。18 娼婦の得た価または男娼の価をあなたの神、主の家に携えて行って、どんな誓願にも用いてはならない。これはともにあなたの神、主の憎まれるものだからである。プロテスタント訳。バルバロ/デルコル訳はあまり意味が鮮明ではない)




フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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