
聖顔への信心  8 「黄金の矢」の意味

なぜ、その祈りは「黄金の矢(Golden Arrow)」と呼ばれるのでしょうか? なぜ、それは「矢」なのでしょうか?




拙訳、試訳。強調と〔 〕と画像は私による付加。



The Golden Arrow prayer

「黄金の矢」の祈りは、1843年にトゥールのカルメル会修道女 “聖ペトロのマリア修女” によって報告されたイエズスからの示現に基づいている。それは神の聖名を讃えることによる償いの祈りである。またそれは、主日と守るべき祝日の乱用についての償いでもある。

The Golden Arrow prayer is based on reports of visions of Jesus by Sr. Marie of St Peter, a Carmelite nun of Tours, in 1843.[1] It is a prayer of Reparation in praise of the holy name of God. It is also a reparation for the profanation of Sunday and the Holy Days of Obligation.




On March 16, 1844 Jesus reportedly told Sr. Marie:"Oh if you only knew what great merit you acquire by saying even once, Admirable is the Name of God, in a spirit of reparation for blasphemy."

マリア修女によれば、イエズスは彼女に次のように語った。イエズスを最も激しく怒らせている罪は、冒涜と主日の乱用の二つである。彼は「黄金の矢」の祈りを祈ることを求め、それを祈る人はその矢で彼を喜ばしく射るであろう、そして罪人たちの悪意によって彼が被った他の諸々の傷を癒すであろう。“聖ペトロのマリア修女” は「この『黄金の矢』によって喜ばしく傷ついたイエズスの聖心から罪人たちの回心のための恵みが一つの奔流のように流れ出す」のを見た。

Sister Mary stated that Jesus told her that the two sins which offend him the most grievously are blasphemy and the profanation of Sunday. He called this prayer the "Golden Arrow", saying that those who would recite it would pierce Him delightfully, and also heal those other wounds inflicted on Him by the malice of sinners. Sr. Mary of St. Peter saw, "streaming from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, delightfully wounded by this 'Golden Arrow,' torrents of graces for the conversion of sinners." [2]


The three rings symbolize the Holy Trinity.

この祈りは “聖ペトロのマリア修女” の自伝である「黄金の矢」という本の中に登場する。その本によれば、彼女は幻視の中、イエズスから、涜聖や冒涜は「毒矢」のようなものであり、それ故に、この償いの祈りは「黄金の矢」と名付けられた、と教えられた。

This prayer appears in the book “The Golden Arrow”, the autobiography of Sr. Marie of St Peter. In her book she wrote that in her visions Jesus told her that an act of sacrilege or blasphemy is like a "poisoned arrow", hence the name “Golden Arrow” for this reparatory prayer.[3]


Words of the prayer:


May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.

フランス語 〔管理人による付加〕
Qu'à jamais soit loué, béni, aimé, adoré, glorifié le très saint, très sacré, très suradorable, très inconnu, très inexprimable Nom de Dieu, au ciel et sur la terre, par toutes les créatures sorties des mains de Dieu, et par le sacré Cœur de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ au très saint Sacrement de l'autel! Ainsi soit-il.

The Golden Arrow: The Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter




“聖ペトロのマリア修女” は冒涜の罪に関する最初の啓示を受ける。この凶悪な罪を償うために、救い主はこの修道女に、一つの主の聖名の讃美の祈り、「黄金の矢」と呼ばれる祈りを口授し、これをたびたび唱えるよう促した。

Sister Mary of St. Peter receives the first Revelation concerning the sins of blasphemy. To atone for this outrageous crime, the Saviour inspires the nun to recite often a prayer of praise to the Holy Name of God, which He dictated entitled "THE GOLDEN ARROW."


ON AUGUST 26, 1843 (the day after the Feast of St. Louis, the crusader against blasphemy), there was a terrible storm during which I felt the justice of an angry God as I had never before felt it in my life. Kneeling, so that my forehead touched the ground, I ceaselessly offered our Saviour, Jesus Christ, to His Eternal Father, for the expiation of my sins and for the needs of Holy Church.


Since one of the nuns in our convent experienced on that day the same emotion as I did, when the hour for evening prayer arrived, I placed myself in spirit at the foot of the cross, and approaching our Lord familiarly, I spoke to Him about the incident of the storm. After that I asked Him to tell me the reason why I felt so strongly on that day the roused anger of His Eternal Father.


Although recently I had experienced much aridity in prayer, now as soon as I had addressed our Saviour, He at once relaxed His manner towards me and said:


"My daughter, I have heard your sighs and your groans, and I have also witnessed your ardent desire to glorify Me, which desire does not spring from yourself, for it is I Who have given it birth in your soul."


Then gathering the powers of my soul, our Lord opened His Heart to me and said:

「私の名はあらゆる場所で冒涜されている! 子供たちの中にさえ冒涜する者が居る!」

"My Name is everywhere blasphemed! There are even children who blaspheme!"


He then made me see that this frightful sin wounds His divine Heart more grievously than all other sins, showing me how by blasphemy the sinner curses Him to His Face, attacks Him publicly, nullifies his redemption, and pronounces his own judgment and condemnation.


Our Lord then made me visualize the act of blasphemy as a poisoned arrow continually wounding His divine Heart. After that He revealed to me that He wanted to give me a "Golden Arrow" which would have the power of wounding Him delightfully, and which would also heal those other wounds inflicted by the malice of sinners.



人類の「忘恩」「冒涜」について言った預言・啓示は少なくありません。例えば、“聖ペトロのマリア修女” にイエズス様がおおせられたという「主日の乱用」などは、まさに、ラ・サレットでも警告されているところのものです。(エイッ、復元! ごめんなさい)


フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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