
フランス革命下の殉教 4 ウルスラ会



Adult Catechesis & Christian Religious Literacy
in The Roman Catholic Tradition

タグ: French Revolution

10月23日〔記念日〕- 1794年、ヴァランシエンヌ

Oct 23 – The Eleven Ursuline Martyrs
of Valenciennes, France d. 1794


A group of eleven nuns of the Ursuline Order who were arrested by authorities of the French revolutionary government and guillotined between October 17 and 23, 1794, at Valenciennes. Their crime: they reopened a school in contravention to the government decree prohibiting unapproved educational institutions from functioning. The nuns were:

  • Sr Clotilde Paillot(長上)

  • Sr Marie Louise Ducret

  • Sr Marie Magdalen Desjardin

  • Sr Marie Louise Vanot

  • Sr Françoise Lacroix

  • Sr Margaret Leroux

  • Sr Anne Marie Erraux

  • Sr Anne Joseph Leroux

  • Sr Gabrielle Bourla

  • Sr Jane Louis Barré

  • Sr Jane Rievie Prin

Sr Clotilde Paillot, OSU, superior; Sr Marie Louise Ducret, OSU; Sr Marie Magdalen Desjardin, OSU; Sr Marie Louise Vanot, OSU; Sr Françoise Lacroix, OSU; Sr Margaret Leroux, OSU; Sr Anne Marie Erraux, OSU; Sr Anne Joseph Leroux, OSU; Sr Gabrielle Bourla, OSU; Sr Jane Louis Barré, OSU; and Sr Jane Rievie Prin, OSU.

長上であったクロチルド・パイヨ修女は全ての違法行為の責任を自分一人で負おうとしたが、法廷はそれを許さず、全員にギロチン刑を言い渡した。Marie Erraux 修女が恐怖で震え上がったので、クロチルド・パイヨ修女は彼女を慰め、支え、常に彼女の傍に居ることを約束した。

The prioress, Sr Clotilde Paillot, OSU, tried to take the entire blame on herself for any illegal actions but the tribunal refused to agree and all were condemned to the guillotine. Sr Marie Erraux, OSU was utterly terrified and Sr Clotilde comforted and supported her, promising to stay close beside her.


Valenciennes is within the boundary of France but very close to the border of the Austrian Netherlands (present day Belgium). The Revolutionary government closed a larger number of religious houses and schools, including that of the Ursulines. Their property seized and confiscated, evicted, the Ursulines moved across the border to Mons in the Netherlands, where another Ursuline monastery gave them shelter.


In 1793 Austria invaded northern France to vindicate its sovereignty over the Austrian Netherlands. In doing so it also seized a strip of French territory that included Valenciennes. The evicted nuns therefore returned to Valenciennes, now Austrian, and reopened their school. But the French retaliated and recaptured Valenciennes. What were the poor nuns to do now? They decided to continue with their school in their old home.


その後ほどなく、フランス政府はヴァランシエンヌのウルスラ会修道女たちを逮捕し、投獄した。何の咎で? 彼女らは許可なしにフランスに戻ってきて不法に宗教学校を営んでいる移民である、として! 彼女らのうちの五人は1794年10月17日に裁判にかけられた。彼女らは率直に、自分たちはカトリック信仰を教えるために戻って来たのである、と述べた。しかし、それが犯罪と見なされ、彼女らは反キリスト教のフランス当局から死刑を言い渡された。

Shortly thereafter, the French government arrested and jailed the Ursulines of Valenciennes. On what charge? That they were emigrees who had returned to France without permission and were illegally conducting a religious school! Five of them were brought to trial on October 17, 1794. They stated frankly that they had returned to teach the Catholic religion. For this crime they were condemned to death by the anti-Christian French authorities.


One of the sisters, Sr Marie Augustine Dejardin, OSU, said to the mother superior (who had not yet been sentenced), “Mother, you taught us to be valiant, and now that we are going to be crowned, you weep!”


Five days later the same superior, Sr Marie Clotilde Paillot, OSU, and the other five nuns were condemned to die in the same manner. Mother Paillot made the public declaration, “We die for the faith of the Catholic, Apostolic Roman Church!” This time the victims were transported to the guillotine in a tumbril or dump-cart.

しかし、行政官たちは一人の修道女、コルドュール・バー修女を見落としていた。コルドュールは自分が仲間の修道女たちから切り離されることを望まなかった。彼女は急いでカートを追い、自ら進んでそれに乗り、そして他の修道女たちと一緒に処刑された。それら六人の修道女たちは、ギロチンの足場に向かいながら、声を合わせて聖母への連祷を歌った。それまでは内在的に過ぎなかった死に直面した時、カトリックの殉教者はどうするか? 歌うのである!

Now, the commissioners had overlooked a lay sister of the community, Cordule Barre. Cordule would not be separated from her sisters. Hurrying over to the cart, she climbed in of her own accord, and was executed with the rest. As they moved on to the scaffold, all six sang the Litany of Our Lady. What do Catholic martyrs do facing their immanent death? They sing!


Litany of Our Lady



At these killings the crowd was usually out for entertainment jeering and shouting insults and making a great noise. But as the sisters were led to the guillotine the crowd fell utterly silent and still. Sr Clotilde thanked the soldiers, calling it the most beautiful day of their lives. They were not allowed any religious symbols, but she had hidden a crucifix on her person, and when she reached the guillotine, she threw it out into the crowd.


Two hundred years later, at a service commemorating the bicentenary of their death, the family of Sr Clotilde brought this crucifix to the Ursulines and asked them to keep it in the convent chapel at Valenciennes in memory of the martyred sisters.




1794年10月にギロチンに処されたウルスラ会の長上クロチルド・パイヨ修母の銀の十字架。彼女は死ぬ前、ギロチンの足場〔やぐら〕のトップから、これを群衆に向けて投げた。… この十字架は、彼女の親族が、殉教者たちを偲ぶ200年祭が催された日(1994年10月22日)に、サン=ソルヴのウルスラ会に与えたものである。実際のサイズは 2.5cm ほど。

Croix en argent de Mère Clotilde Paillot Supérieure des Ursulines guillotinée en Octobre 1794. Avant de mourir, du haut de l'échafaud, elle la jeta dans la foule... Cette croix fut donnée par sa famille, à la Communauté des Ursulines de St Saulve le jour du Bicentenaire des Martyres le 22/10/94. Taille réelle s 2.5cm.



フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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