
脱同性愛者たちの証言 オードラ・オースティン

With God nothing is impossible.


拙訳、試訳。強調と〔 〕は私による付加。

Christian Broadcasting Network


Simple Gift Changes Lesbian's Lifestyle


by Brandice Hudson700 Club Producer)

Brandice Hudson - 700 Club Producer



オードラ・オースティン(Audra Austin)は自分が女性であることを嫌っていた。その気持ちは、彼女がまだ小さな少女だった頃、家族の内の一人の女性から性的ないたずらをされた後、出現した。「私は女性らしさを弱さと見ていました。私は自分自身をほとんど恐れていました。もし自分の女性的なものが表[おもて]に出たら、また傷つけられる、と思ったのです」と彼女は言う。

Audra Austin hated being female. That feeling emerged when she was a little girl after she was molested by a woman in her family. “I saw femininity as a weakness. I was almost afraid of myself. If that feminine side was out there, that I would be hurt again,” she said.


At age 11, her parents divorced and the war against her identity raged on. Audra says her stepfather’s abusive behavior reinforced her fears. “He would even take the Bible and he would tell me that, ‘Women are made from the rib of Adam, so you’re less than.’ I love my mom, but my mom is allowing this man to do these things. And if that’s what being female is, if being female means being with a guy that’s going to tell you that you’re subhuman because you’re a woman, I don’t want anything to do with it,” she said.


Throughout her childhood, she used alcohol and drugs to numb the pain. By the time she was in high school, Audra had rejected all things feminine. “I became much more masculine looking and I wore everything men’s clothes, even right down to men’s underwear.”


At 19, she started dating an older woman. “The gay lifestyle for me was more about love and acceptance. There was a lot of embracing you as you are and how you came. However, there was a lot of misery.”


For the next 10 years, she looked for love in lesbian relationships, but none of them lasted. She was deeply depressed and attempted suicide several times. Every day at work, a coworker would tell Audra about Jesus. “I was one of the mean people. You know, one time I even flipped him off when he was trying to talk to me about God and Jesus. He said, ‘You know, I’ve kind of told you all I can tell you. There’s a lady you need to talk to.’


He gave her the number to a woman from his church.

「その時、彼はこう言いました、『君はその女性と話さなければならないよ。彼女は預言者なんだ』。私はこう思いました、『オーケー、預言者ね。でも、それはどんな人なのかしら。知らないわ』。預言者とか霊的な人とかいうものについての私の考えと云えば、『ああ、それは占い師か何かみたいなもんね』という感じでした。私は興味を持てませんでした。〔しかし、ともかく〕私はそこまで車で行き、タバコを取り出し、ドアまでどしどし歩いて行きました。すると、一人の小柄な女性が、彼女の家のそのドアを開けました。(彼女は)とても物柔らかに話して、私を中に招きました。私は、彼女のコーヒーテーブルの上に小さなガラスの馬が乗っていたことを覚えています。私は『ワォ、これはいいね』という感じでした。すると彼女は『それが好きですか? では、持ち帰って下さい』と。私は『本当?』という感じでした」

“So he said, ‘You’ve got to talk to this lady. She’s a prophet.’ And I’m thinking, ‘OK, prophet – this is some person like, I don’t know –’ My idea of prophet and the supernatural is like, ‘Oh, this is a fortune teller or something.’ So, I was intrigued. I drove there; pulled out my cigarette, stormed up to the door, and this little, petite lady opens the door to her home. (She is) very soft spoken, and invites me in. I remember she had a little glass horse on her coffee table and I was like, ‘Wow, that’s nice.’ And she goes, ‘You like it? You can have it.’ I was like, ‘Really?’”


The kind gesture caused Audra to let her guard down. Then the woman asked her a question she wasn’t expecting. “No one ever asked me, ‘Why do you think you’re like you are?’ And when she asked me that question, I could not answer. I remember sobbing and literally telling her, ‘I don’t know. I don't know.’ And that was the moment she opened a Bible.”

女性はオードラに新しい種類の関係について話した。「私の生きていた状態. . . 私は罪深い状態の中に居ました。私は神から離れていました。でも神は、そんな私の後を追ってくれるほど、私のことを愛してくれていたんです。私にとって『愛』という言葉は、それまで経験していたことのために、好きではない言葉でした。しかしその時、私を愛してくれていた神は、“私は愛され得るかも知れない、私は愛に値するかも知れない” という希望を、私に与えてくれました」

The woman told Audra about new kind of relationship. “The state that I was living in; I was in a sinful state. I was separated from God. And that God loved me enough to pursue me. To me, love was a bad word because of all the things I had experienced. So this God that loved me gave me hope that I could be loved; that I could be worth loving.”


“I finally felt myself, inside, just finally surrender. ‘Jesus, I made a mess of my life, please take it and do something with it.’ And that was the beginning of my journey.”


Audra became confident with her own unique, feminine style. She lost the desire for drugs and alcohol but she still struggled with same sex attraction. “I said, ‘But God, I don’t even think I could like men. They repulse me.’ And I remember I stopped and I just thought about it and I said, ‘You know what, God, I just want to know You.’ And I remember saying, ‘I choose You.’”


Over time, she noticed a change. “Four years after that, I clearly remember the day that this man walked past me with aftershave and I thought, ‘Hey, that smells good.’ I clearly remember that day where God did a work in me, where I was now physically attracted to the opposite sex,” said Audra.


She’s looking forward to starting a family with her husband Roy. They met through their church single’s ministry. “He’s my big teddy bear. I feel safe and secure when I’m around him. And he complements me.”


Audra finds fulfillment in being exactly who God created her to be.  


“There is hope. Jesus is the way out. If you want to come out of the gay lifestyle, Jesus is the way out. And I wanted out. And He was my way. And He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

[管理人注1]  前回書いたことを再確認した気がする。

[管理人注2] 「私はついに、私自身を感じ、内側に感じ」。印象深い言葉だと思う。






フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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